After assessing the scope and complexity of this project and recognizing that we’ll be making iterative progress over a potentially long period of time, I developed this web page to provide some historical context and track activities, issues and progress as we move ahead. I encourage everyone’s input and feedback as I’m sure many in this community have insights and knowledge that is of great value. I will do my best to update this web page so that it is a useful tool.
I’ve placed relevant documents in chronological order starting with the expansion of the Urban Growth Boundary and then Medford’s Transportation System Plan. The Neighborhood Plan forward addresses the MD-7b Urbanization Plan and Annexation but all of these items are intertwined.
In Shakespeare’s words, “Be great in act, as you have been in thought.” May we have wisdom in thought and action to proclaim to and influence the many stakeholders that will impact Experiment Station Road and the surrounding development in our community. I believe our collective vision can minimize negative and maximize positive change. If you questions, please feel free to contact me.
Joy Dazey: Mobile 503-318-2011 Email
September 2022 Update - click to expand Dear Neighbors, January 2022 Update - click to expand Dear Neighbors, I’m told that development is still years off but what we begin now could have a major impact on future outcomes and I’ll be following up for status updates regarding our interests and concerns. Stay tuned for the next Update. December 16, 2021 – City Council Meeting Meeting Video Recording: (Relevant timespan approx. 48:00-1:35:40) October 28, 2021 – Planning Commission Meeting Virtual Meeting Recording: (Relevant timespan approx. 1:22:20 – 2:00:06) February, 2021 – Neighborhood Meeting Neighborhood Meeting Presentation 2021 December 6, 2018 – Medford Transportation Plan December 7, 2017 – Urban Growth Amendment Project
I haven’t had the time to check up on the current status of the subdivision plan that KDA Homes has in the works for the land that has been annexed into the City of Medford but will get to that when I can. Also, the property that OSU owned was sold in April of 2022. I spoke with the owner not long after it was sold and he told me that he doesn’t have any current plans to develop but we shall see.
I hope you are all well and had a wondrous holiday season! Thank you for your willingness and trust to include your names and addresses with the email I crafted to present to the City Council related to the MD-7b Urbanization Plan and Annexation. You can read the email by clicking the link below called “PDF – 12 16 2021 email to City Council”.
Our original focus has been on the roadway classification of Experiment Station Road as a minor collector in the City of Medford Transportation Plan that was adopted in 2018. We are requesting an assessment to consider reclassification of existing Experiment Station Road and any extension from a minor collector standard to a lower order residential standard roadway.
The email and my verbal testimony was intended to notify the Medford City Council, MD-7b applicants and agent, as well as other stakeholders that as residents on and around Experiment Station Road, we have concerns about constructing a new roadway with this standard classification and having it become an eventual thoroughfare.
It’s possible that changing the roadway classification may not be the best way to achieve our objectives but the request is for an assessment to understand and keep our options open.
During my public comment, I spoke of the loss of our gorgeous view, the disruption of development and the impact of increased density while still acknowledging that development is inevitable. For those of you who didn’t have an opportunity to see the Medford City Council Meeting on 12/16/2021, please find below a link to a recorded version.
Carla Paladino, our Principal Planner for the City of Medford is leading this project and put together the images below that I snipped from her presentation. The dashed line in purple encompasses our 10 properties. The dotted line in yellow is Oregon State University (OSU) property that also provided public comment related to MD-7b Urbanization Plan and Annexation at this meeting. OSU will be impacted by an extension of Experiment Station Road to South Holly Street and we need a better understanding of their intentions.
Agenda and Minutes:
PDF – 12 16 2021 email for the City Council
Outcome: Council Bill 2021-164 was approved (Approves the ordinance to adopt the MD-7b Urbanization Plan). Council Bill 2021-165 was approved (Annexes approximately 84 of 143 acres in MD-7b to the City of Medford). There is still flexibility to make amendments including changes to Experiment Station Road.
10-28-21 Planning Commission Meeting (
Agenda and Minutes:
PDF – 10 28 2021 email for the Planning Commission
Outcome: Motion passed 8-0-0. A favorable recommendation is forwarded to City Council regarding UP-21-241 a legislative amendment to adopt an Urbanization Plan for planning unit MD-7b into the Neighborhood Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
PDF – 2018-2038 Transportation System Plan (downloaded December, 2021)
Outcome: Experiment Station Road was upgraded from a two-lane unimproved road to a minor collector in the Transportation System Plan adopted December 6, 2018.
PDF – Notice of Urban Growth Boundary Amendment (downloaded December, 2021)
Outcome: See PDF for details and map.